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Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sci.. 2013; 21(4): 259-265

Influence of Sources and Rates of Manure on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Maiduguri, Nigeria

U.U. Waniyo, M.M. Sauwa, A.L. Ngala, G.A. Abubakar and E.C. Anelo.


Lack of proper knowledge on the type and exact quantity of manure required by crops are among the major constraints to maize production in Maiduguri. Thus a pot experiment was carried out in the screen house of University of Maiduguri to assess the effects of sources and rates of manure suitable for optimum maize production in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. The experiment was established as completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 manure treatments, 3 rates plus 3 controls (no manure), replicated 3 times. The results showed that, yield and nutrient uptake of maize was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) influenced by treatments at 21 and 42 days after planting (DAP). Cow manure treatment on average, produced the best of growth, yield and nutrient uptake (N,P, and K uptake) of maize compared to other treatments. Also, on average, values of most parameters in the 10 and 20 t/ha rates were statistically similar or higher than those of 30 t/h/ha. However, 10t/ha rate is considered more appropriate as it produces same effects as those of 20t/ha rates. From the results, it can be concluded that application of 10t/ha cow manure is adequate for optimum maize production in Maiduguri, North-Eastern Nigeria.

Key words: Manure sources, Rates, Growth, Yield, Nutrient Uptake, Maize

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