Variation in test anxiety is an important theme to address through a comparative investigation of individual and group differences, particularly at different levels of study and gender wise indication. These differences were investigated by formulating two hypotheses related to levels of study and gender wise differences among students. A sample of 400 students was derived from two strata, college (200) and university (200) through stratified sampling. Westside test anxiety scale (Driscoll, 2007) was used to measure test anxiety and independent t-test was applied to determine the differences in intensity level of test anxiety. The study revealed significant individual and group differences. Overall, for both of the gender, the level of test anxiety is higher in college students than that of university students in their comparison. Moreover, female students have reported higher test anxiety as compared to that of male students in overall and at both levels of the study.
Key words: Test anxiety, Examination anxiety, Individual differences in test anxiety, Gender differences, levels of study wise differences