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Morphological Variations in Blood Cockle Tegillarca granosa Populations Collected from the South-east and South-west Coasts of Bangladesh

A.T.M. Waliullah, Selina Yeasmine, M. Jasim Uddin.


Morphology deals with the study of shapes and arrangements of different parts of animals in order to determine their function, development and evolutionary changes in shapes. Current study was undertaken to investigate the morphological variations between the two populations of blood cockle, Tegillarca granosa collected from the south-east (west coast of Maheshkhali Island, Cox’s Bazar; S1) and south-west (Jamuna River Estuary near Munshigonj, Shyamnagar, Satkhira; S2) coasts of Bangladesh. Samples were drawn from the intertidal region during low-tide by hand-picking with the aid of local people in March 2020 from both sites. Fifteen primary parameters, and 27 secondary parameters obtained from the ratios of different primary parameters were studied to compare the values between the two populations. Out of 15 primary morphological parameters, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the populations. Among the 27 secondary morphological parameters, only 4 parameters were significantly different (p

Key words: Blood cockle, Tegillarca granosa, morphology, condition index, coastal Bangladesh

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