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Case Report

EJMCR. 2024; 8(1): 09-12

Case report of a Pulmonary embolism in a patient with Inferior vena cava compression by a 11x28 cm abdominal benign tumor

Kristy El Morr, Edwin Sabbagh, Fadiilah Rosin, Antonios Tawk, Antoine Khoury.


Background: Pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening condition causing abrupt reduction in blood flow in the pulmonary vasculature due to a migrating thrombus. The most cases are related to thromboembolism events originating in the lower limbs. However alternate etiologies should be suspected in certain clinical cases mainly in young patients with no risk factors.
Case: We present a case of young patient with proximal pulmonary embolism caused by compression on the inferior vena cava by an abdominal benign tumour measuring 11x28cm. The patient was treated surgically and started on therapeutic dose of Anticoagulation. The etiology of pulmonary embolism in this case was attributed to large vein compression promoting blood stasis and leading to thrombus formation
Conclusion: In short, acute pulmonary embolism in young female patients, is unusual and should raise the suspicion for miscellaneous causes including vascular compression by tumors.

Key words: Pulmonary embolism, inferior vena cava, thromboembolism, benign tumor, serous ovarian cystadenoma, abdominal tumor.

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