The narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances Act, 1985 was framed with the objective of using narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in controlled manner for medicinal and scientific purpose without in contravention to the obligations to UN, Conventions. In 1875, San Francisco was the first Western city to pass anti-drug abuse legislation forbidding opium smoking. In UK First legislation which effectively addressed to control drugs was the Dangerous Drugs Act 1920. The Act makes it illegal for an occupant to intentionally allow the premises to be used for the manufacturing or supply of a restricted substance, the preparation of opium for smoking, or the smoking of cannabis, cannabis resin, or prepared opium. Free treatment is the principal goals of the Code of Public Health 1970 of France. In Canada offenders can be diverted to treatment or community service, but this does not reduce the caseload in the court system or affect the outcome of a conviction. In that country, a person caught with cannabis faces a maximum penalty of a fine if there is no criminal record against him and if he chooses to enter into an agreement for treatment or community service programme. India should think whether these are replicable models.
Key words: Addict, controlled delivery, narcotic drug, psychotropic substance, recreational users.