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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 4853-4858

A Historical Analysis Of Small-Scale Industries' Export Performance In India

Panchangam Janardhana Sastry, Dr. Vipul Jain.


Small-scale industries have been an integral part of India's economic landscape, contributing significantly to its industrial growth and employment generation. This research paper presents a comprehensive historical analysis of small-scale industries and their export performance in India from 2012 to 2022. The study aims to compare the competitiveness of the small-scale industry sector with India's overall entrepreneurial orientation and identify key issues impacting their export growth. The research methodology involves the collection of historical data on small-scale industry exports and India's total exports, which is then analyzed using descriptive statistics, regression analysis, correlation analysis, and ANOVA. These statistical tools provide insights into the trends and relationship between small-scale industry exports and total exports, and assess any variations in export performance over the studied period. The findings indicate that small-scale industry exports demonstrated a positive trend over the years, but the difference in their share compared to total exports was not statistically significant. Regression analysis and correlation analysis reveal a strong positive relationship between small-scale industry exports and total exports, reflecting the interdependence of these variables in India's international trade. The study further highlights significant variations in export performance between different years, signifying the influence of external factors and economic conditions on small-scale industry exports. These findings underscore the need for targeted policies and strategies to enhance the export capabilities of small-scale industries and strengthen their contribution to India's export sector.

Key words: Small-Scale Industries, Export Performance, India, Historical Analysis, Growth.

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