Case Report |
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RMJ. 2014; 39(4): 464-466 Deep brain stimulation surgery early term results of gait characteristics on Parkinson's DiseaseFiliz ALTUĞ, Gönül KILAVUZ, Ayşe ÜNAL, Erdogan KAVLAK, Özkan ÇELİKER, Ugur CAVLAK. Abstract | | | | We report a case of 67 year-old man with Parkinson's disease who has gait disturbance for eight years. The Pedunculopontine Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation (PPN-DBS) surgery was performed and gait parameters were evaluated by using foot print method. After opening the battery step length and stride length increased, the patient has been walking the same distance with less number of steps. When the battery closed, the step length was 34.5 cm, following the battery opening it increased to 45.5 cm suggesting that PPN-DBS surgery was an effective treatment to improve gait ability.
Key words: Parkinsons Disease, Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery, Gait Analyses