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Role of self-directed learning in health professions education: Essential role of medical graduates of India

Arunima Chaudhuri.


To cope with the challenges in the present day’s healthcare, developing self-directed learning (SDL) skills for medical graduates is of immense importance and facilitators of learning have an important role in this aspect and sensitization of faculty is necessary. One-month Mentor-learner web sessions on SDL were arranged and thirty-one learners and five faculty members participated in the month-long sessions. The sessions were divided into five parts with different objectives. Three learners and five faculty members conducted the sessions and were allotted specific roles to smoothly conduct the process. Thread 1 made learners visit their experiences and use the views of peers in understanding SDL. Thread 2 was based on principles and types of SDL and methods of guiding students for SDL sessions. Thread 3 was a group activity to design SDL sessions and review other groups’ SDL models. Thread 4 focused on the motivation of students and the factors affecting them. Thread 5 was on reflection and incorporated a self-assessment link as well. Participants were satisfied with the way SDL dealt with details. The design of the module made the learning diverse and interesting. Through the learning, participants felt more confident about designing and implementing an SDL session when needed. Through the group activity, they gained respect for the thinking and abilities of co-learners.

Key words: Self-directed Learning; Facilitators; Medical Graduates

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