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Research Article

Salinity induced alterations in the biochemical properties of mangrove plants

A.K. Rajalakshmi*, P. Elavazhahan, P. Manivannan.


High concentrations of harmful ions like salt and chloride can have a direct impact on plant growth. So, the saline water irrigation in agriculture should be studied in a model system. In this study, we conducted a detailed investigation on the comparative effect of exogenous addition of different concentrations of sodium chloride on the organic components, in the seedlings of Lumnitzera racemosa Willd, a much commonly known mangrove species inhabiting the salt marsh ecosystem as no such detailed physiological studies have been made in this species earlier. From this study, it can be concluded that, salinity has an impact on the biochemical constituents of this important mangrove species.

Key words: Mangroves, salinity, saline agriculture, irrigation salinity

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