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Supplementation of High-Fat Diet with Cinnamon Powder has Weight-Controlling and Anti-Hyper- Insulinemic Effects in Wistar Rats

A.S. Idoko, Z.M. Bonomi and I. AbdulRazak.


This study investigated the effects of cinnamon supplementation in preventing high-fat diet related diseases in Wistar rats. Thirty (30) Wistar rats weighing averagely 120 g were divided into six (6) groups of five (5) rats each as follows; Groups A and B were respectively maintained on standard diet and high fat diet. Group and D were fed 2% cinnamon-supplemented HFD and 5% cinnamon-supplemented HFD respectively, while groups E and F were fed 2% cinnamon-supplemented standard diet and 5% cinnamon-supplemented standard diet respectively. Change in weight, organ to body weight ratio, fasting blood glucose, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and lipid profile were determined. The groups fed cinnamon-supplemented diets had lower body weight gain in comparison with the groups fed non supplemented diets. No Significant (p>0.05) differences were observed in organ to body weight ratio and lipid profiles. These findings indicated that supplementation with cinnamon powder does not cause any deleterious effects on the studied organs and could improve insulin sensitivity in the rats. Therefore, such supplementation could be effective in the management of weight and its consequences

Key words: Cinnamon; supplementation; obesity; insulin resistance; weight

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