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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 8903-8914

Online Learning During The Pandemic Semesters: Discovering The Academic Performance Among Accountancy Students

Noreen F. Fermiza, Satina S. Muammil.


Corona Virus (Covid-19) outbreak has provided challenges for educational institutions, especially higher education. From the traditional classroom instructions, it has abruptly shifted to the online learning. In this research, it is sought to determine the academic performance of the Accountancy students during the pandemic semesters. This was conducted in one of the public universities in Zamboanga City which offers variety of courses including the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. The researchers considered the third and fourth year students from the Accountancy Department comprising a total of 60 students. Purposive sampling technique as the pre-selection process in order to determine the representative sample for this study. Their grades during the pandemic semesters were taken from the students’ portal with the consent of the respondents and guidance of the Department. Respondents with a strand of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) showed a good academic performance during the online classes while respondents' academic performance with non-ABM strand is described as very satisfactory.

Key words: online learning, pandemic, academic performance, accountancy students, ABM strand.

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