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Assessment and Improvement of Dhahran Al Janoup General Hospital Staff Knowledge Regarding Disaster Management during Hazm Storm Support, KSA

Adel Elbaih, Monira Taha Ismail, Ahmed Ali Shammah.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: Hospitals have a critical role in health service infrastructure. Hospitals have a primary responsibility of saving lives, they also provide emergency care and hence when a disaster strike the society falls back upon the hospitals to provide immediate succor in the form of emergency medical care. A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of the society, causing wide spread material, human or environmental losses which may exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using its own resources.” A disaster occurs when a hazard (natural or induced e.g. wars) strikes a vulnerable society.
The study aims to improve the experience and knowledge of the Emergency Department(ED) employee in disaster management by gap analysis and assessing the pitfalls in disaster management
Methods: This study is descriptive and Observational study. The intervention study design done by support teams, which sent from ministry of health with, continues health educations programmes for increase knowledge and skills. The study included 84 employee of hospital staff, medical and non-medical in Dhahran Al janoup General Hospital in case of disaster during the events of Hazm Storm Support.
Results: In a total of 84 employee of hospital staff, the mean level of knowledge in command and control, communications, Safety and security, triage and infection control were 88.7%, 94.7%, 93.2%, 95.7% and 86.5% respectively.
Conclusion: There is a minor deficiency about awareness of hospital staff members regarding emergency response plan and the meaning of disaster

Key words: Disaster, Knowledge, Hospital employee

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