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Phenotypic characterization and genetic diversity of the Khiew-Phalee chicken (Gallus gallus): A fighting cock originating from Uttaradit, Thailand

Siriwadee Phromnoi, Preeda Lertwatcharasarakul, Wallaya Phongphaew, Pisit Poolprasert.


The Khiew-Phalee (KP) chicken is considered a valuable resource in Thailand, providing employment opportunities and income for populations in rural communities. This research study was conducted to examine the morphological and molecular diversity of the indigenous KP chicken breed in Uttaradit province, Thailand. Fifty-four chickens were randomly selected from three backyard farms (designated as KB, PP, and KS) in Uttaradit province, which serves as a sanctuary for this particular chicken variety. The morphological characters were detected by the numerical taxonomy system of the multivariate program. Thirteen subpopulations based on morphological characteristics were detected. A phenetic analysis revealed the existence of two main clades (A and B). The molecular characteristics of the KP chicken breed were examined by analyzing the D-loop region of their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). A total of 1,232 base pairs from the D-loop region were amplified, sequenced, and subjected to analysis. The findings from the sequencing analysis showed that there were 36 variable sites, including gaps, in the KP chicken breed when compared to a reference sequence (KP681581). Among the variable sites identified, it was observed that one nucleotide deletion and 35 nucleotide substitutions occurred in the KP chicken breed. The estimated haplotype diversity within the breed was determined to be 0.88120. Through a phylogenetic study utilizing a hypervariable region of the 1,232 base pairs D-loop, it was found that all KP chickens exhibited 14 distinct haplotypes, which were categorized into seven haplogroups (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G). This article presents for the 1st time the genetic diversity using mtDNA D-loop sequencing information and morphological analysis of KP chickens. The results observed in our study represent genetic information that supports the registration of local breeds and also provides valuable insight into the maternal lineages of the population. Moreover, the study contributes to the conservation and breeding strategies aimed at preserving the indigenous chicken populations in Thailand.

Key words: Phenotypic Characterization, Genetic diversity, D-loop, Haplotypes, Khiew-Phalee, Thai Native chickens

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