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Histopathological study of dermatological lesions – A retrospective approach

Rakesh Mehar, Ravi Jain, CV Kulkarni, Sanjeev Narang, Meena Mittal, Harshul Patidar.

Cited by 4 Articles

Background: Dermatological disorders are common in all countries but the spectrum varies greatly. While skin diseases are very common among the populations in many developing countries, they have not been regarded as a significant problem, which could benefit from public health measures.

Aims & Objective: To analyze the role of histopathology in making the diagnosis of skin lesion.

Materials and Methods: In the period of 2009 to 2014, we retrospectively analyzed data of 112 patients. Patient’s data were retrieved from the archives of the Department of Pathology, M.G.M. Medical College, Indore.

Results: A total of 112 patients were included in the study, 63 cases (56%) were males and 49 cases (44%) were females. In males, the commonest lesions were granulomatous lesions (n-30, 26.80, %) followed by nonspecific dermatoses. In females, the commonest lesions were nonspecific dermatoses (n= 15, 13.6%) & granulomatous lesions (n-18, 16.4%).

Conclusion: Skin diseases were more common in males than females. Granulomatous lesions were common in males than females.

Key words: Dermatological Lesion; Histological Study; Retrospective Analysis

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