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J App Pharm Sci. 2014; 4(10): 069-074

Reproductive parameters in a 90 day toxicity study of Smart Herbal Purifier® -a poly herbal supplement in male rats

Z N Igweze, O E Orisakwe, A W Obianime.

Cited by 10 Articles

The study was to evaluate the testicular and epidydimal effects of Smart Herbal Purifier® (SHP) - a poly herbal supplement with a composition of Cassia alata 30% Morinda Lucida 30% and Nuclea Blend 40% ,in a 90 day repeated dose toxicity test in male Sprague – Dawley(SD) rats. The study was with control,48,240 and 480 mg/kg SHP treated rats. Sperm motility, debris generation, abnormal sperm morphology, sperm viability, testosterone, Follicular stimulating Hormone (FSH), luteinizing Hormone (LH), Prolactin, and malondealdehyde(MDA) levels as a measure of oxidative stress in the testes were analyzed. Histology of the testes was also examined. There was no significant difference in both Testicular Sperm Number(TSN) , Epididydimal sperm Number (ESN), the abnormal sperm morphology of both the control and SHP treated group. A significant increase was observed in the debris generated in the testes and epidydimis when control was compared to SHP treated groups. There was also a significant decrease in viability and motility in the testes and epidydimis when control was compared to SHP treated group. Testosterone, FSH, LH and Prolactin were not significantly different when control was compared to SHP treated group. Malondealdehyde was significantly increased when control was compared to the treated groups. Histology of the testes of the treated group showed necrosis of the seminiferous tubules. It is concluded that SHP has toxicological concerns in the male reproductive system.

Key words: Male reproductive hormones, sperm motility and viability, fertility, oxidative stress.

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