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Evaluation of bio-medical waste management practices in a tertiary care hospital of Rohilkhand region in Uttar Pradesh, India

Arun Singh, Ashok Agarwal, Vijender Kumar Agarwal, Shashi Kant Saxena, Ashok Kumar Agarwal, Hammir Singh.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: To protect human beings and their environment from various hazards due to hospital wastes, its management practices should be implemented and evaluated regularly in the hospital.

Aims & Objectives: (1)To assess the current hospital waste management practices adopted by the wastes management supervisors and wastes handlers in a tertiary care hospital of Western Uttar Pradesh; (2) To determine the awareness regarding waste management practices among wastes handlers in the hospital; (3) To assess the preventive measures provided and used by wastes handlers in the hospital.

Materials and Methods: The study was carried out during April-June, 2013. Data was collected about hospital waste management practices, preventive measures adopted by hospital waste handlers using pretested schedule.

Results: The hospital generates average wastes of 1.32 kg/bed/day. Out of 30 places, only19 (63.33%) places were there in the hospital with all four coloured bins placed properly. Out of total 109 handlers, 69 (63.30%) were aware about hospital waste handling hazards. And out of total aware handlers, majority i.e. 52 (75.36%) were males.

Conclusion: The hospital should train, educate and immunize its health care staff and the waste management system should be evaluated intermittently.

Key words: Hospital; Wastes; Practices; Evaluation; Management; Bio-Medical Waste

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