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AAM. 2024; 13(1): 6-17

Quality evaluation of marketed samples of Danti moola (Baliospermum montanum Muell. Arg. roots)

Latika Kundra,Shreshtha Kaushik,Anandaraman PV,Prasanth Dharmarajan.


Background: Baliospermum montanum Muell-Arg, Euphorbiaceae, often known as "Danti," is such an indispensable herbal drug of the Ayurvedic health care system. This herb is marketed under various names such as Danti, Dravanti and Hastidanti.
Objective: Its identification is a subject of confusion and controversy owing to the availability of several different species of this herb on one hand. In apropos of a survey through the market, it was found that the authentic Danti is not offered for sale, and the specimens were discovered to be fragments of other similar drugs. Thus, an attempt has been made to generate a comparative analytical profile of three marketed samples of Dantimoola through physicochemical analysis, pharmaceutical tests, phytochemical evaluation as well as distinct advanced techniques namely, FTIR (Fourier transmission Infrared Spectroscopy) and High- Performance Thin Layer Chromatographic (HPTLC) Assay.
Methods: Samples of Danti moola (root) were procured from easily approachable local herbal drug markets of three different states viz. Delhi, Jaipur, and Maharashtra. These were identified and further authenticated. After that, samples were subjected to various physiochemical and phytochemical tests along with FTIR and HPTLC.
Results: Marked variations have been observed in all the samples while subjected to various analytical tests ranging from the sensory evaluation to sophisticated analysis.
Conclusion Here, an attempt has been made to provide a holistic overview of Danti through various analytical tests conducted in this study, though this is a preliminary one. Nevertheless, in-depth robust studies and the use of chemometrics may be valuable in obtaining more pertinent and supplementary information.

Key words: Baliospermum montanum; Dantimoola; Quality Control; FTIR; HPTLC

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