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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 4991-5003

Reflection On Procession Paintings 20 Century



According to a wide range of meanings, including "the act of moving from one place to another in a ceremonial manner," which is one common description of a procession. To give it a religious twist, a "procession" is any kind of religious assembly that moves in an organized, ceremonial fashion. There has always been a great deal of vibrancy and color in Indian processions. The artfulness of Indian culture permeates even social processions. For this reason, it has been a popular topic for paintings and other forms of processional art throughout the years. The primary goal is to provide an in-depth examination of the artwork for students of the j. J. School of art who are studying the Indian revival movement. Expert procession artist during the time period known as the "revival," several painters produced works in the revivalist style. Expert procession artist during the time period known as the "revival," several painters produced works in the revivalist style. In conclusion, a procession is a line of people moving in one direction, often for a public or religious ritual or celebration.

Key words: Reflection, Procession, Paintings, 20 Century and India.

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