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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 4914-4926

Outstanding Attributes Of Expression In Dualism In Mind



As everyone is aware, the 'Mind-Body' relationship is a contentious topic in the study of the mind. Several pro-dualist arguments, despite their superficial allure, fail to demonstrate that our minds are distinct from our bodies in the Cartesian sense. The Identity Theory is an alternative philosophical theory of mind to reductive materialism that may be brought up in conversation. According to this idea, there is a one-to-one relationship between the physical states and processes of the brain and central nervous system and all mental states and activities. Although the traditional criticisms of Cartesian dualism remain formidable, this has not led to its complete rejection. There is still a clear separation between the mental and physical realms.

Key words: Mind, Dualism, Consciousness, Relationship, Property.

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