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Case Report

AAM. 2024; 13(2): 137-146

Management of the Diabetic Microalbuminuria with Ayurvedic intervention- A Case Report

Payal Dineshsinh Desai,Udai Raj Saroj,Gaurav Kumar Garg.


Background: One of the most prevalent side effects of diabetes, diabetic nephropathy causes Hypoalbuminemia, chronic kidney damage and end-stage renal failure worldwide. This study was performed for the effectiveness of the Ayurvedic treatment in the patient presented with the complications of Diabetic Microalbuminuria with special reference of Kaphaja Shotha. A 67-year-old, male patient consulted to the Ayurveda hospital with generalized body swelling, difficulty in breathing on the rest, Fatigue for 2 years, following secondary prevention for two years. Design: Single Case report. Materials and Methods: In this prospective case study, conducted on a subject experiencing edema as a complication of diabetic nephropathy for two years, the individual was admitted to the Indoor Patient Department of Medicine. Over a period of three months, the subject was assessed every 15 days. The intervention involved the administration of oral medications including mainly Gokshuradi guggulu, Punarnavadi guggulu, Hingwastak Churna, Triphala Churna, Syrup Neeri KFT, and Gomutra Haritaki. The edema reduced progressively, and there was an alleviation of associated symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and fatigue. Additionally, the subject showed improvement in renal function parameters and reported an enhanced sense of well-being. Results: Laboratory investigation showed protein in urine and hypoalbuminemia with normal blood urea and S. Creatinine., which was corrected after treatment, increased serum albumin from 1.9 (g/dl) to 3.9(g/dl) and serum globulin from 1.7(g/dl) to 2.7 (g/dl). After 18 days, a significant improvement was noted in all the clinical features, blood investigations, Chest X ray of the patient and no any unwanted effects were noted during the study period. The case was managed without encountering any adverse effects, following the treatment regimen for Shotha.
Keywords: Diabetic Microalbuminuria, Hypoalbuminemia, Kaphaja Shotha

Key words: Diabetic Microalbuminuria, Hypoalbuminemia, Kaphaja Shotha

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