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Research Article

Economics And Pricing of Certain Segments of The Pharmaceutical Market

Yumashev A. V.,Khedi Shisaevna Аzizova,Albina Fanisovna Safargaleeva,Elena G. Petrenko,Nikolay Nikolaevich Moskovchenko,Olga Vladimirovna Grishchenko*.


Pharmaceutical innovations over the past half century have made it possible to effectively treat and prevent a wide range
of diseases. These achievements were so important for modern healthcare that equal access to them is considered one of
the basic human rights. This article examines the economics and pricing in certain segments of the pharmaceutical market.
The authors analyze various aspects affecting drug prices and price formation mechanisms in various segments of the
pharmaceutical industry. The article considers the role of pharmaceutical companies, government regulators and
consumers in determining the prices of medicines. The authors investigate the influence of factors such as research and
development costs, production costs, patent protection, supply and demand, as well as political and regulatory measures
on the formation of prices for pharmaceuticals. It is noted that although the demand for medicines is one of the driving
forces of pharmaceutical spending, price increase is the main problem for health system managers, as drug prices
increasingly seem unfair. The paper also analyzes various pricing strategies used by pharmaceutical companies, including
differentiated pricing, cost pricing and pricing based on the value for a patient. The authors explore the advantages and
limitations of each strategy and offer recommendations on the optimal choice of pricing strategy in different segments of
the pharmaceutical market. The article ends with the main conclusions and offers recommendations for pharmaceutical
companies and government regulators regarding effective pricing in certain segments of the pharmaceutical market,
taking into account economic, political and social factors. The study has an important meaning for understanding the
complexities and challenges associated with pricing in the pharmaceutical industry and helps to determine optimal pricing
strategies for various market segments.

Key words: economics, pricing, pharmaceutical market segments.

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