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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5016-5023

A Critical Appraisal Of The Role Of The National Green Tribunal In Environmental Protection

Shivani Monga.


An expert judicial body called the National Green Tribunal (NGT) was established in India to deal with environmental disputes and advance effective environmental protection. This abstract evaluates the NGT's contribution to environmental protection critically. By offering a forum for the swift resolution of environmental issues, the NGT has significantly contributed to the protection of the environment. Its purview extends to a variety of environmental concerns, such as pollution reduction, forest preservation, and biodiversity protection. The NGT's efficiency has been aided by its capacity for swift justice and its specialized knowledge of environmental issues. This abstract does, however, also show several difficulties and restrictions that the NGT has to deal with. These include a backlog of cases, shoddy facilities, and a delay in enforcing its judgments. Concerns have also been expressed about how the relevant authorities will implement and enforce NGT judgments. This abstract offers potential solutions to these issues, including boosting the NGT's capability, improving collaboration with other governmental organizations, and making sure NGT decisions are more closely followed. In order to increase the NGT's role in environmental protection and guarantee sustainable development in India, it is crucial to take into account the importance of the NGT while tackling these issues.

Key words: NGT, Environmental Justice, Environmental issue, Environmental protection

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