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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2013; 24(86): 83-117

On Oren Yiftachel’s Model of Ethnocracy


Cited by 0 Articles

In the study, Oren Yiftachel’s model of ethnocracy is analyzed. The assumptions of the model are examined, the relationships of the model with the apartheid regime and the internal colonialism are specified and whether the assumptions of the model create the conditions for the emergence of the politicide is identified. The significance of the study is that it is the first academic research on the model of the ethnocracy in the political science literature in Turkey. In the study, literature scanning and content analysis are used. In the study, by putting forth the similarities and differences between the ethnocracy, the apartheid regime and the internal colonialism, it is examined whether the ethnocracy invites the politicide and the course of the relationship between the individual-citizen-state in an ethnocratic regime. Although Yiftachel claims that the typical example of the model is the State of Israel, in the study, a discussion is carried out for and against of this claim and whereby the attention is called to the distinction between the ethnocracy and the democracy. It is thought that the study which is the candidate for openning new discussions on ethnic-nationalism will contribute to the discussion of the democracies with adjectives.

Key words: Ethnocracy, apartheid regime, internal colonialism, politicide, citizenship. JEL Classification: N95, Z10, Z13.

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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