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RMJ. 2014; 39(3): 254-256

Serum lipid profile in breast cancer patients

Ali Al-swelmien.


Objective: To investigate the effect of lipid profile and obesity on the risk of women with breast cancer in Jordanian population.
Methodology: We collected blood samples from103 patients, 76 of them with histologically proven breast cancer, while 27 of them were healthy attending oncology clinic at King Hussein Medical Center from June 15, 2012 to October 27, 2013. Venous blood samples were collected after a minimum 14 hour overnight fast. The triglyceride, total cholesterol and high- density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-Cholesterol) concentrations were measured using auto analyzer. Levels of low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-Cholesterol) were calculated by Friedwald formula.
Results: The breast cancer patients had significantly higher BMI as compared with control group (27.34±4.6 vs. 24.7±3.8 Kg/m2, p=0.019). Serum triglyceride was significantly elevated in patients as compared with controls (227.6± 94.6 vs. 174±43.5 mg/dL, p=0.039). Total cholesterol levels in patients were significantly higher also (207.5±94.4 vs. 175.3±43.6 mg/dL, p=0.043). The levels LDL-Cholesterol were higher in patients (122.5±25.8 vs. 116.7± 27.8 mg/dL, p=0.18). No significant difference in serum HDL-Cholesterol levels was seen (45.4±12.7 vs. 46.8±9.8 mg/dL, p=032).
Conclusion: The study confirms the association between lipid profile, BMI and increased breast cancer risk.

Key words: Breast cancer, cholesterol , Body Mass Index.

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