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Review Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(2): 137-139

Prevalence of Acute Blood Transfusion Reactions in Mazandaran Heart Center, Sari, Iran, 2010-2012

Soheil Azizi, Shervin Ziabakhsh Tabary, Arya Soleimani.


Introduction: Although blood transfusion is life saving for patients, it is responsible for a series of complications and exposes the patients to a variety of risks. Therefore knowing different adverse effects of blood transfusion represents a great issue in managing recipient patients. Aim: The aim of the present work was to study the prevalence of blood transfusion complications among patients in the Mazandaran Heart Center, Sari, Iran, during a period of 2 years. Material and Methods: A retrospective review of all reported and evaluated acute transfusion reactions during a 2 years period in Mazandaran Heart Center was performed. Associated clinical signs and symptoms were evaluated. Results: In 9193 transfused blood products, there was 34 (0.4%) acute transfusion reactions. The commonest were discomfort and restlessness(0.16%),dyspnea(0.16%), rigors (0.13%), fever (0.08%),chest pain(0.06%), rash or urticaria (0.04%), nausea and vomiting(0.03%),palpitation(0.03%),hypertension(0.03%)flashing(0.02%),hypotension(0.02%). Conclusion: Acute transfusion reaction is seen in %0.4 of transfused patients therefore, we recommend a well-structured program for monitoring adverse reactions associated with blood transfusion and blood product administration (Hemovigilance program).

Key words: Blood transfusion, acute transfusion reactions, hemovigilance.

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