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Med Arch. 2014; 68(2): 113-116

Correlation Between Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer and Disc Parameters in Glaucoma Suspected Eyes

Sanja Sefic Kasumovic, Suzana Pavljasevic, Emir Cabric, Milka Mavija, Sabina Dacic-Lepara, Mirko Jankov.


Goal: The aim of the study was to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of optical coherence tomography parameters in normal, preperimetric, developed perimetric and terminal glaucoma. Methods: 180 eyes of 140 consecutive patients were evaluated in this retrospective cross sectional pilot study. Copernicus Spectral – domain optical coherence tomography with resolution of 3 mm obtained through the optic nerve head were included. All examined eyes were divided into four groups (healthy eyes, initial, preperimetric glaucoma, developed perimetric glaucoma and terminal glaucoma). Results: The highest value of the RIM is noticed in control group 1,44 (1,21-1,70).There is no significant difference in the size of the disc in the eyes with developed open angle glaucoma ( 1,80 ±0,66) compared to normal eyes (p= 0,663), to the eyes with initial glaucoma ( p=0,120), and terminal glaucomatous atrophy ( p=0,068). There is statistically importance of E/D parameter in healthy group 0,17 (0,04 -0,27), early glaucomatous group 0,44 (0,35-0,51), developed glaucoma 0,47 ( 0,39-0,61) respectively p

Key words: initial, perimetric and terminal glaucoma, optic nerve head, retinal nerve fiber layer, rim of the disc, the size of the disc, the volume of the cup.

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