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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(2): 106-109

Correlation of Cervical Smear and Pathohistological Findings

Amir Asotic, Suada Taric, Jasmina Asotic.


Introduction: In endeavor to suppress the cervical carcinoma there are several possible approaches including measures of primary and secondary prevention. So far effects of these measures on the number of cases and mortality rate of cervical carcinoma were modest. Only exception is organized testing based on cytological exam of the cervical smear – Pap test, which has proven to be highly effective in reducing the number of cases and mortality of cervical carcinoma in countries with this program. Goal of this research is analysis of correlation between abnormal cytological test results and pathohistological diagnosis of all patients in the analyzed period. Material and methods: Research is descriptive, analytical, comparative, and partly epidemiological. Results of cytological and pathohistological diagnostic in the period between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2011 were used for analysis. All analyzed patients had colposcopy exam and Pap test, and patients with abnormal results of this test underwent cervical biopsy for pathohistological diagnostics. Results: We came to following results and conclusions: total number of L-SIL and H-SIL (PAPA III) results was 395 (6.20%) in comparison to total sample of 5894 (92.44%) patients. There is a statistically significant difference in relation to PHD result of cervical biopsy after L-SIL and H-SIL (PAPA II and IV), and highest statistical margin is in relation of CIN II changes to cytological findings, issued at Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology and other health institutions. We come to conclusion that the highest percentage of patients with L-SIL and H-SIL findings is in age group between 0-29 years old. Statistical analysis has shown a positive trend in number of younger patients with L-SIL and H-SIL (PAPA III and IV), with average age of patients in 2011 being 31.12±9.12 years old.

Key words: Pap test, biopsy.

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