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Molecular identification of halophilic microorganisms producing exo-halozymes by a culture-dependent approach from the North Sinai Solar saltern

Naglaa Elshafey Aya A. Elkashef Hend A. Hamedo Mohamed A. I. Mansour.

Cited by 1 Articles

Solar salterns are ideal models for extreme environments since they contain halophilic microorganisms that must adapt to these conditions. In North Sinai, these environments have not received much attention. This study investigates the salterns' waters and saline soil, and our results of physico-chemical parameters showed a ph of 6.2 ± 0.52 and 7.37 ± 0.16 in water and saline soil, respectively, with a salinity of 21.1% and 10.08% in saline soil and water samples, respectively. The molecular analysis provided us with a phylogenetic relationship that included Aspergillus isolates as well as archaeal isolates from the genera Haloarcula, Haloferex, and Halobacterium, plus bacteria related to Halomonas and Brevibacillus. Most isolates expressed important hydrolytic enzymes as lipase, protease, amylase, and cellulase at high salt concentrations. Finally, the North Sinai Solar saltern is rich with halophilic populations that produce industrial hydrolytic enzymes.

Key words: Halophilic community, Halozymes, Solar saltern, North Sinai.

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