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Case Report

Clinical management of chronic abscess in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)

Kadirvelu Senthilkumar, Alagumalai Senthilkumar, Madurai Ganesan Jayathangaraj.


Regional perfusion with Triple sulpha was used to treat a severe abscess in a 7-year old female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) housed at a temple in Tamil Nadu, India. The cow elephant was presented with an acute swelling at left shoulder that persisted despite 4 days of anti-inflammatory therapy. There was a 3-cm-deep, 5-cm-diameter abscess pocket that was subsequently debrided. Regional perfusion was performed by using 7% Tincture iodine for 15 days, and Triple sulpha in the wound pocket. Besides, the elephant received Enrofloxacin (dosed at 10 mg/kg b.wt.) and Meloxicam (dosed at 0.2 mg/kg b.wt.) intramuscularly. Within 2 days of administering the first perfusion, the swelling reduced dramatically. After 7 days of successive treatment, the elephant showed marked improvement. The affected skin area became normal after 60 days post-treatment.

Key words: chronic abscess, clinical management, Elephas maximus

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