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Evaluation of Patients Cooperation in Hypertension Control

Suada Brankovic, Aida Pilav, Seila Cilovic- Lagarija, Mersa Segalo.


Introduction: Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the most widely spread diseases of our time and one of the leading risk factors for heart and vascular diseases, particularly stroke and coronary heart disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world of who dies each year about 17 million persons, of which 5 million in Europe. The World Health Organization estimates based on monitoring of demographic trends, trends in mortality and morbidity as economic models, further growth of cardiovascular diseases, especially in developing countries. Goal: Correlate the success of antihypertensive therapy and provoking factors, and to determine the degree of satisfaction with the effect of antihypertensive therapy of the patient. Material and methods: The study was conducted at the Primary Health Care Center Stari Grad - Sarajevo. Conducted is study that included 80 patients. Data for this study were collected by a questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by the examiner using interviews with patients and their relatives (parents, guardians).After sorting, control and grouping the data were imported into the statistical software package SPSS 20.0, where after defining variables was performed statistical analysis. Results: The average age of male respondents was 60.80±13.03 and 63.50 ± 7.48 years of female respondents. The average value of systolic blood pressure amounted to 148mmHg (130-180), while the average value of diastolic blood pressure was 88.75mmHg (70-120). Student’s t test showed that the average value of systolic pressure was statistically significantly different from the reference value (t=2.387, DF=19, p=0.028), and also the average values ​​of diastolic blood pressure were statistically significantly different compared to baseline (p=3.561, DF=19, p=0.002). Of the total number of subjects included in this study good blood pressure control had 58 participants, and the average value of systolic blood pressure was 122mmHg and diastolic 74mmHg. With poor regulation of blood pressure were 22 patients, with average values ​​of systolic pressure of 155.5mmHg and diastolic 92 mmHg. The most common additional factor influencing the increase in blood pressure of patients surveyed was stress is 65 % (n=52), followed by heat 20% (n=16), and salty foods was a provoking factor in 15% (n=12) subjects. By analyzing the frequency of controlling blood pressure has been determined that respondents on average control blood pressure once a week, and control frequency is in range from daily to monthly. The average value of the blood pressure of subjects who regularly used antihypertensive therapy amounted to 125/69 mmHg, while the respondents who did not regularly use the antihypertensive therapy that value was 157/96 mmHg.

Key words: patient, hypertension, therapy.

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