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J App Biol Biotech. 2023; 11(5): 0-0

Microbes as gift from God

Ajar Nath Yadav, Divjot Kour, Neelam Yadav.


The wonder and unseen organism, microbes are the tiny creature which is not visible with the naked eye. Microorganisms are ubiquitous in nature that are known to exist everywhere from the equator to poles, deserts to deep sea, rocks, geysers and even extremes hot and cold conditions. Microbes are unicellular or multicellular organism and belongs to three domains of life i.e. archaea, bacteria and eukarya. These tiny creatures is truly a gift from God as they plays several roles for environment and every creature of earth such as humans, plants and animals, without (gnotobiotic condition) which quality and quantity of life will drastically reduce. Microbes where maintain the biogeological cycles in the environment and on the other hand they maintain the soil fertility. In plants, they help in plant growth promotion by protecting them from pathogen and fulfilling the nutritional requirement, whereas in humans and animals they maintain the cognitive functions. The importance and their role played in nature the scientist have gained the research interest from past many decades and they have been studied via culturable and unculturable (metagenomics) techniques.

Key words: Gut microbiota; Human Microbiome; Microbiome; Plant Microbiome; Soil Microbiome

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