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AAM. 2013; 2(4): 119-121

Reflecting on the frequent professional publications and lay media reports on adverse effects of herbal products

Ram Harsh Singh.


Ayurveda and its green pharmacy is an age-old time tested health care modality and have been under unbroken practice of thousands of years. During last few decades specially after Alma Ata declaration of WHO, there has been a tremendous upsurge of interest in this traditional system of health care and disease management. Larger number of clients have offered for their health care and treatment of many chronic intractable diseases through Ayurveda and similar other TMs. There has been substantial increase in the number of Ayurvedic and Herbal drug manufacturing pharmacies which now number over 9000 in India alone. The interest of use of such medications and treatment of patients through Ayurveda is also been spreading fast outside India with attempts to launch educational program and research activities on Ayurvedic drugs globally.

Key words: Publication, Adverse effects, Ayurveda

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