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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8498-8504

Legislative Framework In India For The Protection Of Women

Dr. Shipra Singam.


In the Vedic period, the women enjoyed equal status with men. They were honoured by the society. Right to education was recognised for them. Gargi and Maitreyi are well known amongst educated women. However, in middle ages, there was extreme unreasonable discrimination between men and women. In other words, it can be put that there was extreme gender bias observed in the society in India. Women had no family, social, economic and political status and dignity. During that period the position of women was not better than slaves. The right to education, right to property, right to equality, right to remarry etc. were also denied to them. Women were not considered to have an independent personality but they were considered to the under influence and the control of men i.e. under the control of father in their childhood, under be control of husband in their young age and under the control of son in their old age. At that time law was implemented to protect the interest of particular class in the society at the cost of weaker section of the society including women as one of the components of the weaker section of the society. Women were exploited through various superstitious acts.

Key words: Framework , India , Protection , Women

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