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Research Article

Assessments of non-timber forest products status in the Guraferda district of Ethiopia

Belay Haile Gessese.


Forests and other vegetation resources in Guraferda district offer diverse NTFPs that provide substantial inputs for the livelihoods of the community. Thus, information regarding to the status of NTFPs of the district is vital for proper management of these resources. However, up to date information on the status of non-timber forest products in Guraferda district is found to be lacking. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the status of NTFPs in the district. Information was collected through household survey and key informant interview. Analysis of data was accomplished through the use of SPSS (version 20) and Microsoft Excel software. Results of the study identified that important NTFPs of the district like honey, forest coffee, forest tuber, forest spices, important health care medicinal plants, Antiaris toxicaria tree with a bark that serves as cloth and sleeping mat preparation, edible forest leaves and fruits, and wild animals for bush meat consumption, that have significantly declined.

Key words: Forests, vegetation, Guraferda district

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