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Case Report

Giant cell tumor of bone of medial malleolus, diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology: A Case Report

Zini Chaurasia, Surbhi Jain, Ira Moudgil, Swapnil Agarwal.


Giant cell tumor of bone is a locally aggressive benign tumor with cases showing recurrence and malignant transformations. It usually affects skeletally mature patients, affecting the meta epiphyseal region around the knee most commonly. A few rare cases around the ankle involving the distal tibia have also been reported. Pain and discomfort around the joint involved are the symptoms at presentation. Radiographs and MRI are the modalities of choice for diagnosis. FNAC of the lesion through peri cortical breach confirms the diagnosis in conjunction with radiological findings.

Key words: Giant cell tumor distal tibia, FNAC of the bony lesion, multinucleate giant cells

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