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Research Article

Managing Stress Of Nurses Through Their Efficiencies And Commitment: An Empirical Investigation

Saad AlFlayyeh*, Maha Ibrahim Almujalli.


It has been determined that nursing is a profession with high levels of stress. Not only did nurses' health suffer because of
the stress of their jobs, but they also struggled to cope with the demands of their jobs. This study aimed to figuring out
how to manage nursing shifts to avoid Work-related Stress and haw to control and manage nursing works to avoids work-related stress in nursing, which can affect it. according to some independent variables such as the type of nurse, the
scientific qualification, the type of hospital, the social situation, and the age group. The researchers selected a sample
of (168) nurses who work in private clinics. Collected data was analyzed through SPSS version 22. Findings shows that all
the considered constructs are having a strong relationship.

Key words: nurse, clinics, stress, stress management

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