Polysaccharide is the correct term for cellulose. Because of the convergence of polymer science and pharmaceutical research, polymer is now often used in the creation of new kinds of drug delivery systems. Controlled or prolonged medication delivery is a primary goal of polymeric delivery systems. The planet's largest polysaccharide is cellulose. Wood and plant cells, certain bacterial and algal cells, and the only known cellulose-containing mammals, tunicates, are also potential sources. In this study, We provide three separate approaches to making membranes from cellulosic derivatives. The polymer solutions were made by dissolving cellulose acetate and nitrocellulose in DMF at a concentration of 10%. Aldrich, Dorset (UK) was sourced for the cellulose propionate and acetate-butyrate, while Sigma, Dorset (UK), was sourced for the cellulose acetate (UK). Conjugate support-enzyme activity was highest when it was applied to a cellulose acetate membrane that had been evaporated to prepare it. More crystalline and less optimal for enzyme immobilisation were the membranes produced by the immersion approach.
Key words: Cellulose, Derivative, Membrane, Immobilization, Enzymes.