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AAM. 2015; 4(1-2): 14-17

Comparative pharmacognostical study of root stock and root of Pygmeaopremna herbacea (Roxb.)Mold NK. - Source plant of Bharangi

Praveen Kumar Anandgal, Nishteswar Karra, Harisha C.R.


Pygmaeopremna herbacea (Verbenaceae – family) is a drug which is considered as a source plant of Bharangi in Ayurveda.
Plant is a small shrub springing up after the jungle fires, having sessile, obovate leaves. In folklore whole root is being
used to cure the diseases like respiratory disorders, wounds and cuts etc. Till date no comparative work was done between
rootstock and root of this plant. Present study highlights the pharmacognostical study of both rootstock and root. Both
samples showed different anatomical characters. In rootstock stone cells, acicular crystals, starch grains and fibers etc.,
were present where as in root all these cellular constituents were absent.

Key words: Pygmaeopremna herbacea, Bharangi, Histochemical, Pharmacognosy

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