The concept of public goods has evolved from its original national govenmnent level supply formulation in 1950s to local government level in 1960s and to global fevel in 1990s. In its original/static definition, a pure social good must have two distinctive properties at the same time: Non-rival consumption and non-excludability. These properties cause a market failure. Later on, Musgrave, Buchanan, Tiebout, Sandler and Tschirhart formulated the optimal supply condition for social goods at the local government level. Finally, Kaul, Mendoza , Sandmo and others have drawn attention to the need for redefining social goods by including the concepts of de facto publicness in the theory and globalization of social goods as the benefits and costs have extended to all countries, people and generations. In this study, so-called evalutian of the social goods' theory is discussed
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