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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2007; 18(64): 73-91



Cited by 3 Articles

Many feminists have been arguing that women are kept out of politics due to a great number of powerful beliefs and practices that distinguish sharply between public and private. Their proposal is to wipe out the gendered characteristic of the distinction between the two spheres. At that point, participation in political life emerges as a problem since feminists propose that both should be equally involved in political life. Their argument is that the secondary role of women in the political arena or even their exclusion was perpetuated by the modern thinkers. Early political theorists developed a variety of arguments to justify their male-stream theory, so, now, many feminists see sexual inequality and sex segregation as something built into the original foundations of classical thought and they claim that the segregation remained persistent in modernity. The issue discussed in this study is the relationship between modernity and feminist perspectives stating that it is not accidental that women were so long expelled from the public sphere. Furthermore, the approach of modernity is criticized by underlining the stress on the liberal individual who is male.

Key words: Women, Individual, Classical Thought, Modernity

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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