This study examines the ways of relating development and woman (or gender) on the basis of different periods (70s, 80s and from 90s to today) and with a specific attention to the approaches that are evident in each of these periods. Even though approaches such as Women in Development, Women and Development, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Gender and Development, Women, Culture and Development, etc., in the related literature chronologically embodied to a specific periods, it is hard to make a clear chronological distinction among them. At first, feminists with Western origin at the beginning emphasized the inequality of men and women and later the gender inequality in development perspectives. However, with the rise of the discussions about these perspectives ignorance on culture and identities, resistance to the cultural hegemony of the West and with the rising effects of the Third World academics new perspectives were emerged. These were expressed time to time by the opposing (even mutually exclusive), but most of the times by transitional and intersectional new ideas.
Key words: Development, woman, gender. Article Language: EnglishTurkish