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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2004; 15(51): 1-19

English title is not available [Turkish title: AB Anayasasının Düşündürdükleri]

A. Füsun Arsava.

Cited by 0 Articles

Convention works of European Council which is responsible for providing detailed reform of main agreement of EU has become current debates that have been lasted since 80's about having constitutions. Although the view of having constitution has represented in main agreements, European public lawyer is reject the view that EU has constitution due to the fact that European public have not been occurred yet. But supporters who support the view of EU constitution base their opinions on public ofmember countries. These debates have made public lawyers apprehend that institution could not be occurred without having state and public. This situation requires a referendum like some states have advised to European Convention.

Key words: n.a

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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