The resource-based view of firm is influential theorical framework for understanding how competitive advantage within firms is achieved and how that advantage might be sustained over time. The resource-based view suggests that sustainable competitive advantage emerge from unique combination of resources. While there are multiple typologies of resource characteristics necessary to develop sustainable competitive advantage, most authors have integrated them into four critical ones: (1) the resource must be valuable, (2) the resource must be rare, (3) the resource must be difficult to imitate by competitors and the resource must be nonsubstitutable by other types of resource. Firms must develop new strategic resources and core competencies to survive in a dynamic and competitive environment. In this study, in order to test the correctness of the basic statement of companies having unique, valuable, nonsubstitutable and inimitable resources and competences that cannot be achieved by the competitors obtain sustainable competitive advantage a qualitative research on Ford Otosan, TUSAŞ, Graham and Toprak Seramik has been conducted. As a result, it has been detected that the companies having highly innovative capacity and open to change and having flat organization structure obtain sustainable competitive superiority.
Key words: Competitive Advantage, Core Competence, Dynamic Capabilities Article Language: EnglishTurkish