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Research Article

AJVS. 2020; 13(2): 72-90

Gross and Histopathological Study of the Genitalia in Goats: 2. Tubular Genital Organs (Uterine tubes and Uterus)

Mukhtar Rafiq Hama Karim, Faraidoon A. Sattar Muhammad and Mardin O. Muhammad.


The aim of this study was to detect the microscopic and macroscopic lesions in uterine tubes and uterus in Sluaimani abattoir, Kurdistan region/Iraq. The total samples collected were 340 genitalia of does of pregnant and non-pregnant. 37.05% (126/340) of the samples were pregnant and 37.35% (127/340) of the samples were observed without gross lesions and 2.23% (10/340) were noticed with uterine tube gross abnormalities and the remaining 34 (12.941%) samples were recorded as anatomical lesions and pathological lesions of uterus. The a numbers of uterine tubes abnormalities were 11 out of 340 specimens (3.235%), and the most common lesions were; salpingitis 6 cases (7.64%); 1 case from each of hydrosalpinx and Pyosalpinx, respectively (0.294%). Microscopically, the lesions of salpingitis were sloughing off the part of the epithelium and infiltration of inflammatory cells. Three specimens of cyst on uterine tubes (0.882%). The numbers of uterine lesions were 44 specimens which shared 12.941% of abnormalities out of the 340 collected specimens. The most common diseased genital cases were; endometritis and metritis which 21 cases (6.176%), which were histopathologically characterized by a significant increase in the endometrial thickness due to diffuse infiltration of inflammatory cells mainly lymphocytes, the proliferation of fibroblasts with deposition of extracellular matrix. Five pyometra (1.470%), which was histolopatholgically characterized by definite increase in the uterine wall thickness, especially in the endometrium due to infiltration of light pinkish fibrinous inflammatory exudates with mild inflammatory cell proliferation. Three Hydrometra specimens (0.882%), and five endometrial cystic hyperplasia (1.470%). The microscopic lesions for them include massive cystic dilatation of the uterine gland that contains pinkish granular secretion, infiltration of light pinkish edematous fluid in the endometrial stroma associated with inflammatory cells. Two specimens of uterine wall with cysticercus tenuicolis (0.588%), and one uterine melanoma (0.294%), The histopathological features for the uterine melanoma include; deposition of the dark black melanin pigment within the phagocytic cells. Uterine leiomyosarcoma was one specimens (0.294%), which histologically, appear as pleomorphic cells variable in shape and size with different nuclear size randomly oriented in different directions, some of these cells were hyperchromatic with an abnormal mitotic figure. One case of cyst on the uterine wall was found (0.294%), and five cervicitis (1.470%). Finally, it could be concluded that uterine tubes, and uterus abnormalities constitute a percentage (3.235%, and 12.941%), respectively. In this study, uterine melanoma, and uterine leiomyosarcoma were firstly recorded in this study in Iraq and Kurdistan region.

Key words: Gross, Histopathological, Genitalia, Goats

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