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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1995; 6(18-19): 101-117

Technology, Globalization and \'new\' Situations

Murat Şahin ÖCAL.

Cited by 0 Articles

This article is written with a strong -conviction that economists are far from being innocent Whether stated explicitly or not, all analyses are grounded on a system of belief, and they are made to support their own presupposed reality. To suggest otherwise would be misleading. Recent discussions on globalization exemplify this situation. Most of the work concentrate on the benefits of globalization, rather than on developing an understanding of this process. Since globalization as an ongoing process is far from reaching the stage of full-fledged maturity, analyses geared toward the definition of the phenomenon appear to have problematic results. In this article, author will avoid tackling with definitions and conceptualizations, and instead will evaluate, from a critical! standpoint, some of the prevailing positions regarding globalization. The main argument will be that scenarios of globalization, integration and other concepts which imply a new "order" cannot be formulated without taking into account the question of technology and its ramifications, and that the neoclassical perspective on globalization tends to heavily overvalue the potential of globalization while disregarding the relationship between deregulation of the world economic system and its crisis.

Key words: NA

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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