In this study, contribution of education to economic growth in Turkey, between 1980 and 1990, was analyzed via the estimations of production function relationships. Firstly, Cobb-Douglas production functions were estimated by OLS, for panel data. Secondly, a difference model considering also the province-specific differences w as estimated. Finally, more flexible functional form of translog function was considered. lt w as concluded that the effect of education on output growth was positive, but not increasing during the decade, and also unchanging across regions. The output elasticity of capital increased over time and got lower for underdeveloped regions, while the reverse was true for the output elasticity of labor. lt was observed that the assumption of constant retums to scale, which was assumed for Cobb-Douglas production function held for the Turkish economy within the decade. The claims of difference forms were not supported for Cobb-Douglas production function, while they were supported for translog form. Translog function was found to be advantageous over Cobb-Douglas production function.
Key words: Human capital, education, economic growth, production function analysis,
Cobb-Douglas production function. Article Language: EnglishTurkish