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Case Report

Successful management of a recurrent juxtaphyseal aneurysmal bone cyst using sclerotherapy

Vidyadhar Telang, Praveen Kumar Sinha, Siddharth Mahesh Shah.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) are commonly managed by localized excision (curettage/ extended curettage) with or without bone grafting or sclerotherapy. ABCs involving the lower end of radius are relatively uncommon. Here we present a case of an aggressive, juxtaphyseal ABC involving the lower end of radius in a 6 year old boy that failed treatment with localized excision and bone grafting twice. Finally, the lesion was successfully managed with a single session of sclerotherapy using 3% polidocanol. There was evidence of progressive opacification of the cyst on follow- up x- rays with no evidence of recurrence. At present, the child is over 2 years follow- up since sclerotherapy without recurrence. However, the growth of lower end of radius is stunted due to physeal damage either due to the aggressive nature of the lesion or previous surgeries. Due to continued growth of the lower end of ulna, the child has radial deviation of the wrist. The parents have been counselled about a likely need for corrective surgery subsequently to manage the deformity.

Key words: Aneurysmal Bone Cyst; Distal Radius Tumour; Sclerotherapy

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