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Searching the Frequency of the Close Kin Marriage for the Disability and the Disabled People in Adana\'s Town Havutlu

Muhsin Akbaba, Selen Uludağ Kis, Ersin Nazlıcan, Esra Gündüz.


The research is performed in Havutlu public health center in Yuregir county of Adana province. The purpose of this research is to determine the density, types and epidemiological properties of defectiveness in Havutlu public health center region. It is a cross-sectional study. 708 people are selected randomly for the research from ETF. The density of defectiveness is detected as %23,3 for this research. The density of defectiveness in our research is detected higher than the most of the studies in the world. The mostly stated defect is visseral anomaly which is %51,6.
The relative marriage density is found as %20,6. The results in our research are similar with the other studies. The defectiveness density is found as %44.5 from the childs of relative marriages and found as %17.8 from non-relative marriages. After statistical analysis it is determined that the defectiveness is significantly high in relatives (p

Key words: disability, relative marriage, frequency

Article Language: Turkish English

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