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Med Arch. 2023; 77(3): 183-188

Phytochemical Analysis by FTIR of Zanthoxylum Acanthopodium, DC Fruit Ethanol Extract, N-hexan, Ethyl Acetate and Water Fraction

Eka Roina Megawati, Hakim Bangun, Imam Budi Putra, Muhammad Rusda, Dedy Syahrizal, Nelva K Jusuf, Putri Chairani Eyanoer, Rodiah Rahmawaty Lubis, Mustafa M. Amin.


Background:Andaliman fruit is used as spice in Batak cuisine, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The potency of andaliman fruit extract as herbal medicine is widely studied. Many studies elaborate the benefits of andaliman fruit extract as an antioxidant, antibacterial or anticancer. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the phytochemical compounds of andaliman fruit extract and its fractions. Methods: The andaliman fruit was originated from Balige city, Tobasa Regency, North Sumatera. The extract was made by maceration within ethanol and followed by fractionation with n-hexan, ethyl acetate and water. The phytochemical screening by chemical reactions, thin layer chromatography, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer were performed. Results: This study found andaliman fruit ethanol extract consists of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, triterpens, and steroids. The n-hexan fraction consists of triterpens and steroids, ethyl acetate fraction consists of flavonoids and glycosides, and water fraction consists of alkaloid, flavonoid, and glycosides. Andaliman fruit ethanol extract had eight color spots, n-hexan and ethyl acetate fraction had five color spots and water fraction had two color spots. Andaliman fruit ethanol extract had functional group of C-H alkanes, =C-H alkenes (aliphatic), O-H, C=C alkenes, C=C aromatics, C≡C alkynes, C-O, C=O, and NO2. The n-hexan fraction had C-H alkanes, =C-H alkenes (aliphatic), O-H, C=C alkenes, C-O, C=O, and NO2. The ethyl acetate fraction had C-H alkanes, =C-H alkenes (aliphatic), O-H, C=C alkenes, C=C aromatics, C-O, C=O, and NO2. The water fraction had C-H alkanes, =C-H alkenes (aliphatic), O-H, C=C aromatics, C≡C alkynes, and C-O. Conclusion: Phytochemical screening found that andaliman fruit ethanol extract, n-hexan, ethyl acetate and water fraction positive of phytochemical compounds. The FTIR of andaliman fruit ethanol extract, n-hexan fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, and water fraction showed the absorbance of C-H alkanes, O-H, C-O, and C=C alkenes indicating the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, and triterpenoid saponin.

Key words: Andaliman, Extract, Fraction, Functional groups, Zanthoxylum acanthopodium.

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