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SETB. 2015; 49(2): 122-30

Retrospective evaluation of the effect of therapeutic hypothermia application on infectious complications

Serdar Demirgan, Kerem Erkalp, Mehmet Salih Sevdi, Meltem Türkay, Tolga Totoz, Ali Özalp, Ayşin Alagöl, Alper Togay.


Objective: Our study aims at determining infection frequency in patients receiving or not receiving therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), detecting the microorganisms most frequently isolated, and measuring the effect of TH on mortality and morbidity.
Material and Method: We examined retrospectively the files of 44 patients receiving successful CPR. Patients were separated into two groups: the ones receiving (n=20) and not receiving (n=24) TH. Their leucocyte numbers and C- reactive protein (CRP) values were recorded in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th day. Their demographic data, hospitalization period in intensive care unit (ICU), the first day that culture positivity occurred, in which culture(s) reproduction occured, which microorganisms reproduced in these cultures, and discharge state of the patients from ICU were recorded.
Results: No significant difference was found in patients’ demographic data, and Glasgow coma score (GCS) averages. Culture positivity observed in the first 10 days after intensive care follow-ups, blood, deep tracheal aspiration (DTA), urine culture growth rate, and leukocyte numbers were not significantly different between the groups. Although there was no significant difference between the mortality rates of the groups, hospitalization time in the ICU was significantly lower in the group receiving TH. No significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of leucocyte numbers in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th day. The CRP value in the 1st day in the group receiving TH was significantly lower than those not receiving TH. There was no significant difference between the CRP values in other days.
Conclusion: Although mortality rates are not significantly affected, hospitalization period in ICU was found to be shorter in the group receiving TH. For this reason, we think that TH which was proved to have favorable neurologic advances, should be applied to post CPR patients in ICU practice.

Key words: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; therapeutic hypothermia; infection; mortality, morbidity

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